John Rescigno, MD
Insurance Plans Accepted:
Dr. Rescigno sees patients in our Hartsdale and West Nyack offices.
Board Certification:
American Board of Radiology, Radiation Oncology, 1995
Re-certification, Radiation Oncology, 2005, 2015
Maintenance of certification up to date
BA: University of Pennsylvania, Phil, PA. Magna Cum Laude, Biophysics, 1986
MD: New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, 1990
Postdoctoral Training:
Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY, 1990-1991
Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 1991-1995
Academic and Hospital Appointments
Instructor in Radiation Oncology, Columbia University, 1995-1996
Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, Columbia University, 1996-2000
Assistant Attending, Radiation Oncology, Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York,
Assistant Member, Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2000-2002
Assistant Attending, Radiation Oncology, Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases, 2000-2002
Attending Physician, Phelps Memorial Hospital, 2000-2002
Associate Attending, Radiation Oncology, St. Vincent’s Hospital and St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2002-2010
Vice-Chairman, Radiation Oncology, St. Vincent’s Hospital and St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2007-2008
Acting Chairman, Radiation Oncology, St. Vincent’s Hospital and St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2008-2010
Associate Clinical Professor, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, 2009-2011
Attending Physician, Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY, 2007-2011
Attending Physician, Radiation Oncology, Mt. Sinai Beth Israel, 2010-Present
Attending Physician, Radiation Oncology, Mt. Sinai West, 2011-Present
Assistant Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 2015-Present
Other Clinical Activity
Co-founder and Clinical Director, Eastside Radiation Oncology, 2005-2007
Practicing physician, Eastside Radiation Oncology, 2017
Honors & Awards
Magna Cum Laude graduate of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1986
Honor’s Program First Prize Recipient for Basic Science Research, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY: Cloning of a novel receptor tyrosine kinase. 1990
Avon Product Foundation Scholar, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center: Microarray
analysis of breast carcinoma tissue samples. 2000
Scientific and Medical Societies
Irving Cancer Center, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, 1996-2000
Southwest Oncology Group, 1996-2000
American College of Radiology, 1997- 2000 American Medical Association, 1997-2000
Upper Manhattan Physicians Against Cancer 1997-2000
Medical Society of the State of New York, 1999-2000
New York Roentgen Society, 1999-2002
American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 1995-Present
New York Metropolitan Breast Cancer Group, 1997- Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1999- Present
Educational and Hospital Activities
Principal or co-investigator for NCI sponsored trials and in house IRB approved clinical trials:
- Comparison of Axillary Lymph Node Dissection With Axillary Radiation for Patients with Node-Positive Breast Cancer Treated With Chemotherapy
Sponsor: Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology - Neoadjuvant CAPOXIRI Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Sponsor: Beth Israel Medical Center - Concomitant Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy Followed by Additional Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Sponsor: Beth Israel Medical Center
Radiation oncology representative and contributor to weekly multidisciplinary case- based tumor boards in breast, lung, gastrointestinal cancers for the Mt. Sinai Health System
Supervision of research projects of medical students, residents, and fellows
Member and Reviewer, Beth Israel Medical Center Institutional Review Board, 2011-Present
Selected Invited Lectures
“Stem cell transplantation”
Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, Jan 1996
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY
“Management of esophageal cancer”
GI Symposium, Mar 1997
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY
“Survival of women with both breast and ovarian cancer”
School of Public Health Seminar, Jan 1998
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY
“Management of locally advanced lung cancer”
Lung cancer symposium, Jan 1998
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY
Therapeutic guidelines lecture series
Non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Jul-Aug 1998
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY
“Radiation therapy for breast cancer”
Women at Risk and SHARE, Nov 1999
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY
“Impact of radiotherapy on survival of early-stage breast cancer patients”
Oncology Grand Rounds, Sep 2000 Phelps Memorial Hospital, Tarrytown, NY
“Advances in radiotherapy”
Aptium Oncology Training Institute biannual conference, 2002-2010 St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, New York, NY
“Molecular imaging”
Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Jun 2003
St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, New York, NY
“Intracavitary balloon brachytherapy for breast cancer”
Mammosite Working Group
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA
“Integrating cancer centers”
Cancer Retreat, Jun 2010
Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
“Neoadjuvant therapy for pancreatic carcinoma: radiation oncology considerations” GI tumor board, Aug 2010
Continuum Cancer Centers of New York, NY
“HIV and cancer”
Community physician outreach, Jan 2011
Beth Israel Comprehensive Cancer Center-West Campus
“Pathologic features that guide breast cancer therapy”
New York Pathology Society, Nov 2011
New York Academy of Medicine
“Update on anal cancer”
Medical oncology fellows teaching conference, Jun 2015
The Mount Sinai Hospital
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
1. Rescigno J, Mansukhani A, Basilico C. A putative tyrosine kinase receptor with unique structural topology. Oncogene 1991;6:1909-1913.
2. Rescigno J, McCormick B, Brown AE, Myskowski PL. Breast cellulitis after conservative surgery and radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1994;29:163-168.
3. Fenig E, Sulkes A, Rescigno J, Shohat B. Interleukin-1b plasma levels decrease following local radiation therapy for breast cancer. Radiation Oncology Investigations 1995;2:224-229.
4. Hughes-Davies L, Sacks D, Rescigno J, Howard S, Harris J. Serum cardiac troponin-T levels during treatment of early stage breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1995;13:2582-2584.
5. Chi DS, Mychalczak B, Saigo PE, Rescigno J, Brown CL. The role of whole-pelvic irradiation in the treatment of early-stage uterine carcinosarcoma. Gynecologic Oncology 1997;65:593-598.
6. Ennis RD, Malyszko B, Rescigno J, Whitman AE, Heitjan DF, O’Toole KM, Rubin M, Schiff PD. Biological classification as an alternative to anatomic staging for clinically localized prostate cancer: a proposal based on patients treated with external beam radiotherapy. Urology 1998;51:265-270.
7. Suga K, Alderson PO, Mitra A, Domingues C, Rescigno J, Smith LG, Ogasawara N, Matsunaga N, Sasai K. Early retardation of 99mTc-DTPA radioaerosol transalveolar clearance in irradiated canine lung. J Nucl Med 2001;52:292-299.
8. Rescigno J. Use of post-operative radiotherapy for node positive non-small cell lung cancer. Clinical Lung Cancer 2002;4: 35-44.
9. Richards GM, Berson AM, Rescigno J, Sanghavi S, Siegel B, Axelrod D, Bernik S, Scarpinato V, Mills C. Acute toxicity of high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy with the MammoSite applicator in patients with early-stage breast cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 2004; 11: 739-746.
10. Wexler A, Berson AM, Goldstone SE, Waltzman R, Penzer J, Maisonet OG, McDermott B, Rescigno J. Invasive anal squamous cell carcinoma in the HIV- positive patient: outcome in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Dis Colon Rectum 2008; 51:73-81.
11. Cuttino LW, Keisch M, Jenrette JM, Dragun A, Prestidge BR, Quiet CA, Vicini FA, Rescigno J, Wazer DE, Kaufman S, Ramakrishnan V, Patel R, Arthur DW. Multi- institutional experience using the MammoSite radiation therapy system in the treatment of early-stage breast cancer: 2 year results. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 2008; 71(1): 107-114.
12. Rescigno J, Zampell JC, Axelrod D. Patterns of axillary surgical care for breast cancer in the era of sentinel lymph node biopsy. Ann Surg Oncol 2009; 16: 687-696.
13. Marti JL, Ayo D, Levine P, Hernandez O, Rescigno J, Axelrod D. Nonimage-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of palpable axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patients. Breast Journal 2012; 18(1): 3-7.
14. Kempin S, Finger PT, Gale RP, Rescigno J, Rubin J, Choi W, Fisher R, Aizman A, Genis I, Roberts E, Moslehi R. Vitreoretinal lymphoma: a cluster of cases in New York State and descriptive patterns in the United States. (Submitted for publication September 2016).
Abstracts & National Presentations:
1. Rescigno J, McCormick B, Cox L, Brown A: Mastitis after conservative surgery and radiation therapy [Abstract]. Int J of Radiat Oncol Bio Phy 1992;24(Supp 1): 300. Presented at the 1992 annual meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.
2. Rescigno J, Yahalom J, Gomez L, Gulati S: Long-term complications of total body irradition, high dose chemotherapthy, and autologous bone marrow transplantation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma [Abstract]. Int J of Radiat Oncol Biol Phy 1994; 30(Supp 1):267. Presented at the 1994 annual meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.
3. Rescigno J, Gulati S, Portlock C, Zelenetz A, Nimer S, Moskowitz C, O’Brien J, Straus D, Fuks Z, Bertino J, Clarkson B, and Yahalom J. Total body irradiation, high- dose chemotherapy, and autologous bone marrow transplantation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: long term results and analysis of prognostic factors [Abstract]. Proc ASCO 1996;15:416. Presented at the 1996 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
4. Rescigno J, Yahalom J. Pulmonary complications after autologous bone marrow transplantation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: analysis of risk factors [Abstract]. Proc ASCO 1996;15:416.
5. Rescigno J, Schiff PB. Tubular Carcinoma: Analysis of 1623 patients from the SEER database [Abstract]. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1997;46:40. Presented at the 1997 annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
6. Rescigno J, Schiff PB. Patterns of care and influence of local therapy on breast cancer-specific survival [Abstract]. Proc ASCO 1998;17:570a. Presented at the 1998 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
7. Rescigno J, Schiff PB. Patterns of care and factors associated with improved breast cancer-specific survival after conservative surgery [Abstract]. Int J of Radiat Oncol Biol Phy 1998;42(Supp 1):243. Presented at the 1998 annual meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.
8. Rescigno J, Yahalom J. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) after autologous bone marrow transplant (BMT) for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Proc ASCO 1999;18, abstract #128. Presented at the 1999 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
9. Rescigno J, Taylor LA, Aziz MS, Axelrod DM, Bernik S, Vallejo CE, Riegel AC, Troob SH, Klein P. Predicting negative axillary lymph node dissection in patients with positive sentinel lymph node biopsy: can a subset of patients be spared axillary dissection? Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2005;94(Supp 1):S35-S36. Presented at the 2005 annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
10. Cuttino LW, Arthur DW, Keisch M, Jenrette JM, Prestidge BR, Quiet CA, Vicini FA, Rescigno J, Wazer DE, Patel R. Multi-institutional experience using the MammoSite radiation therapy system in the treatment of early-stage breast cancer: 2 year results. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 2006; 66: S30-S31.
11. Wexler A, Goldstone S, Rescigno J, Waltzman R, Penzer J, Maisonet O, Berson A. Combined chemoradiotherapy for HIV-associated squamous cell carcinoma of the anus in the era of HAART. American Society of Colorectal Surgeons, June 4th, 2007, St. Louis, MO.
12. Mahtani R, Ying B, Rescigno J, Aziz M, Bernik S, Klein P. Clinicopathologic factors associated with microinvasion in ductal carcinoma in situ: possible utility in planning sentinel lymph node biopsy. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2007; 106.
13. Marti J, Hernandez, O, Ayo D, Rescigno J, Axelrod D. Non-image guided fine needle aspiration of palpable axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patients. Accepted for presentation at the 31st Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 10-14, 2008.
14. Russell T, Axelrod D, Rescigno J. Metastatic breast cancer: Patterns of locoregional therapy and cause specific survival. Poster presentation. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium December 12, 2013.
15. Cate S, Gillego A, Chadha M, Rescigno J, Gliedman P, Radzio A, Boolbol S. How accurately can clinicians predict the Oncotype DX DCIS score? J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (supl 26; abstr 90)
16. Cate S, Cariseo E, Chadha M, Gleiedman P, Rescigno J, Gillego A, Radzio A, Boolbol S. How the Oncotype Dx breast cancer assay for ductal carcinoma in situ impacts treatment decisions. Poster Presentation. American Society for Breast Surgeons. May 2013.
17. Li P, Cate S, Rescigno J, Chadha M, Gillego A, Boolbol S. Preoperative MRI: Much ado about nothing?. Poster presentation. SSO National Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, March 12-15, 2014.
18. Lee C, Rescigno J, Estabrook A, Freedman B, Ma A. Invasive micropapillary carcinoma: Tumor characteristics and cause-specific survival in comparison to ductal carcinoma. Poster presentation. American Society for Breast Surgeons, May 1-4, 2014.
19. Campo CR, Reategui E, Cate SP, Rescigno J, Mittar P, Gillego A, Boolbol SK. Residual disease after breast conservation surgery: To excise or not to excise?
Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: 2014 Dec 9-13; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2015;75 (9 Suppl):Abstract nr P1-16-03.
20. Prowler V, Cate S, Min Lee L, Berger N, Rescigno J, Gillego A, Mills C, Malamud S, Chadha M, Kwon D, Boolbol S. High BCI adherence impacts shared decision making for extended endocrine therapy in early stage breast cancer. Poster Presentation accepted for Society of Surgical Oncology meeting, March 2017.
1. Rescigno J. Thymoma. Cancer Consult.1998.
2. Neugut AT, Weinberg MD, Ahsan H, Rescigno J. Carcinogenic Effects of Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer. Oncology 1999;13:1246-1256.
3. Savage DG, Mears JG, Balmaceda C, Rescigno J, Shendrik, I, Mansukhani, M, Orazi A. Leptomeningeal relapse of multiple myeloma following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Leukemia Research 2002; 26: 689-692.
4. Sullivan K, Li Z, Rescigno J, Fanucchi M. Diagnosis and Multimodality Management of Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Therapy 2008; 6: 81-94.
Rescigno J and Axelrod D. Axillary dissection in women with sentinel node metastasis. Brit Med J 2011; 342:d2510.
Book Chapter:
Rescigno J and Berson A, “Radiation Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer” in Breast Cancer, 2nd Edition, Ed. Daniel F. Roses. Elsevier, 2005.
Letters to the Editor:
1. Rescigno J, McCormick B. Further characterization of post-RT cellulitis and attempts at prevention. Letter to the Editor. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1995;31:204.
2. Hughes-Davies L, Rescigno J. Fluorouracil and folinic acid in colon cancer. Letter to the Editor. Lancet 1995;345:1582.
3. Rescigno J, Heitjan D. Chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Letter to the Editor. New Engl J Med. 1998;339:1330.
4. Rescigno J. Re:Axillary dissection in women with sentinel node metastasis. Letter to the Editor. Brit Med J. published online July 16, 2011.